Fiche de vocabulaire sur les diplômes (degrees)
avril 7th, 2010 | by admin |le brevet des collèges | O-level (Ordinary level) (UK) |
le baccalauréat | the general Certificate of education (GCE) (UK) A-levels (Advanced level) (UK) High-school diploma (Ame) High-school degree |
une Licence | a Bachelor’s degree a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) |
une maîtrise | a Master’s degree a Master of Arts (M.A) |
un doctorat | a doctor of philosophy (P.H.D) |
un CAP | youth training (UK) national vocational qualification (UK) |
un BEP | a BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) First Diploma (UK) a GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification Foundation) (UK) |
un BTS | a BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma) (UK) |
un DUT | a Diploma of Higher education (UK) an associate’s degree (Ame) |