Exercices sur la voix passive

octobre 13th, 2009 | by admin |

Mettre les phrases suivantes au passif, de deux façons différentes :

  1. Someone has been teaching this child dirty words. (Quelqu’un a appris des gros mots à cet enfant.)
  2. In Italy, people told us the most incredible stories. (On nous a raconté les histoires les plus incroyable en Italie.)
  3. At the end of the race, the jury will give the winner a solid gold bicycle pump. (A la fin de la course, le jury offrira au gagnant une pompe à vélo qui est solide et en or.)
  4. Everytime his friends send him books from Russia, … (A chaque fois que son ami lui envoie des livres de Russie, …)
  5. Her mother gave her a special gift for her birthday. (Sa mère lui a offert un cadeau spécial pour son anniversaire.)

Réponses :

  1. Dirty words were taught to this child / This child was taught dirty words.
  2. We were told the most incredible stories in Italy. / The most incredible stories were told to us in Italy.
  3. A solid gold bicycle bump will be given to the winner at the end of the race. / The winner will be given a solid gold bicycle pump at the end of the race.
  4. Everytime he is sent books from Russia, … / Everytime books are sent to him from Russia, …
  5. She was given a special gift for her birthday. / A special gift was given to her for her birthday.

Articles recommandés

  • Introduction sur la voix passive
  • Exercices sur la voix passive
  • « be » en tant qu’auxiliaire
  • La structure de la voix passive
  • Les adjectifs attributs