Exercices sur la phrase négative
décembre 31st, 2008 | by admin |Exercice 1 : Mettre à la forme négative
- She drinks too much tea. (elle boit trop de thé.)
- I love tomatoes. (J’adore les tomates.)
- They play the piano. (Ils jouent tous deux du piano.)
- Your phone is nice. (Ton téléphone est joli.)
- Mike was strong. (Mike était fort.)
Exercice 2 : Indiquer un équivalent à la forme négative
- Françoise loves no one but herself. (Françoise n’aime personne d’autre qu’elle même.)
- Catherine never wears makeup. (Catherine ne porte jamais de maquillage.)
- They hide nothing from me. (Ils ne me cachent rien.)
- Paul has no more eggs, in the fridge. (Paul n’a plus d’œufs dans le réfrigérateur.)
- Come nowhere near me. (Ne t’approche pas de moi.)
Réponses exercice 1
- doesn’t / does not drink too much tea.
- don’t / do not love tomatoes.
- don’t / do not play the piano.
- is not nice.
- was not strong
Réponses exercice 2
- Françoise does not love anyone but herself.
- Catherine does not ever wear make up.
- They do not hide anything from me.
- Paul does not have any more eggs, in the fridge.
- Do not come anywhere near me.