Exercice sur les prépositions

mars 18th, 2010 | by admin |

Choisir la réponse appropriée :

1. He was charged (with / for / of) murder.
2. Last year she was confronted (for / with / Ø) all her debts.
3. In spite (to / of / Ø) the crisis, the company has been very successful.
4. Kids have always been keen (on / of / at) video games.
5. Many countries suffer from the lack (with / of / for) drinkable water.
6. Big companies expand to the detriment (at / to / of) smaller ones.
7. Soldiers are well trained to resist (for / with / Ø) the hardest conditions.
8. Last year, the company took advantage (with / of / on) the price increase.
9. (For / On / To) my mind, people are increasingly demanding as far as technology is concerned.
10. The boys band phenomenon dates back (to / from / Ø) the 1990s, and even before.

Réponses :

1. He was charged with murder. (Il a été accusé de meurtre.)
2. Last year she was confronted with all her debts. (L’année dernière, elle a été confrontée à toutes ses dettes.)
3. In spite of the crisis, the company has been very successful. (Malgré la crise, l’entreprise a eu beaucoup de succès.)
4. Kids have always been keen on video games. (Les enfants ont toujours été fans des jeux videos.)
5. Many countries suffer from the lack of drinkable water. (Beaucoup de pays souffrent du manque d’eau potable.)
6. Big companies expand to the detriment of smaller ones. (Les grandes entreprises se développent au détriment des plus petites.)
7. Soldiers are well trained to resist the hardest conditions. (Les soldats sont bien entraînés pour résister aux conditions les plus extrêmes.)
8. Last year, the company took advantage of the price increase. (L’année dernière, l’entreprise a tiré profit de l’augmentation des prix.)
9. To my mind, people are increasingly demanding as far as technology is concerned. (Selon moi, les gens sont de plus en plus exigeants en termes de technologie.)
10. The boys band phenomenon dates back to the 1990s, and even before. (Le phénomène des boys band date des années 90, même avant.)

Articles recommandés

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