Exercice sur la phrase négative

décembre 14th, 2009 | by admin |

Modifier la phrase de façon à accentuer les termes en caractère gras :

1. They not only visited her, but they also brought her a present.
2. The man not only calls 5 times a day, but he also sends flowers.
3. She never asks for help.
4. My mother had no sooner arrived than she cooked.
5. He found out only then that he was being lied to.
6. She seldom talks to her family.
7. They had hardly finished eating when they started to sing.
8. I realized only then that I was already arrived.
9. They never go to the cinema!
10. He will not only break the window, but he will also steal everything.

Réponses :

1. Not only did they visit her, but they also brought her a present. (Ils lui ont non seulement rendu visite mais ils lui ont aussi apporté un cadeau.)
2. Not only does the man call 5 times a day, but he also sends flowers. (Cet homme appelle non seulement 5 fois par jour mais il envoie également des fleurs.)
3. Never does she ask for help. (Elle ne demande jamais d’aide.)
4. No sooner had my mother arrived than she cooked. (Ma mère n’était pas plus tôt arrivée qu’elle cuisina.)
5. Only then did he find out that he was being lied to. (Ce n’est qu’alors qu’il découvrit qu’on lui mentait.)
6. Seldom does she talk to her family. (Elle ne parle à sa famille que rarement.)
7. Hardly had they finished eating when they started to sing. (A peine eurent-ils fini que manger qu’ils se mirent à chanter.)
8. Only then did I realized that I was already arrived. (Ce n’est qu’alors que je réalisai que j’étais déjà arrivé.)
9. Never do they go to the cinema! (Ils ne vont jamais au cinéma !)
10. Not only will he break the window, but he will also steal everything. (Il va non seulement casser la fenêtre mais il va également tout voler.)

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