Exercice sur la base verbale, l’infinitif et le gérondif
janvier 27th, 2010 | by admin |Mettre les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient :
1. She was asked _____ (to send) her report immediately.
2. He can _____ (to swim) during hours.
3. The lord _____ (to swear) to protect the princess until the end of time.
4. The assistant _____ (to agree) to work overtime.
5. I don’t mind _____ (to call) the guests.
6. They continued _____ (to dance) until dawn.
7. I remember _____ (to dream) about the red bridge.
8. Believe me, it is worth _____ (to try).
9. _____ (to surf) the web can turn out to be dangerous.
10. He is ordering him _____ (to take) the plane.
Réponses :
1. She was asked to send her report immediately. (On lui a demandé d’envoyer son rapport immédiatement.)
2. He can swim during hours. (Il peut nager pendant des heures.)
3. The lord swears to protect the princess until the end of time. (Le seigneur jure de protéger la princesse jusqu’à la fin des temps.)
4. The assistant agrees to work overtime. (L’assistant accepte de faire des heures supplémentaires.)
5. I don’t mind calling the guests. (Ca ne me dérange pas d’appeler les invités.)
6. They continued dancing / to dance until dawn. (Ils ont continué à danser jusqu’à l’aube.)
7. I remember dreaming about the red bridge. (Je me souviens d’avoir rêvé du pont rouge.)
8. Believe me, it is worth trying. (Crois-moi, ça vaut la peine d’essayer.)
9. Surfing the web can turn out to be dangerous. (Surfer sur la toile peut s’avérer être dangereux.)
10. He is ordering him to take the plane. (Il lui ordonne de prendre l’avion.)