Exercice sur le prétérit modal

mars 2nd, 2010 | by admin |

Mettre les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme appropriée :

1. If I (have) powers, I would arrest all the bad people.
2. She wishes he (be) by her side.
3. If only you (call) me earlier, I would have come.
4. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t have done this that way.
5. He would rather you (arrive) earlier.
6. My grandmother really wishes she (be) younger.
7. Suppose they (forget) their luggage, what would they do?
8. If she (fail), she would have been devastated.
9. I would you rather (leave) now and (come) back before the weather worsens.
10. If they had trusted him, they (be) in big troubles today.

Réponses :

1. If I had powers, I would arrest all the bad people. (Si j’avais des pouvoirs, j’arrêterais tous les méchants.)
2. She wishes he were by her side. (Elle aurait aimé qu’il soit à ses côtés.)
3. If only you had called me earlier, I would have come. (Si seulement tu m’avais appelé plus tôt, je serais venu.)
4. If I were you, I wouldn’t have done this that way. (Si j’étais toi, je ne l’aurais pas fait de cette façon.)
5. He would rather you arrived earlier. (Il préférerait que tu arrives plus tôt.)
6. My grandmother really wishes she were younger. (Ma grand-mère aimerait réellement être plus jeune.)
7. Suppose they forgot their luggage, what would they do? (Imagine qu’ils oublient leurs bagages, qu’est-ce qu’ils feraient ?)
8. If she had failed it, she would have been devastated. (Si elle avait échoué, elle aurait été anéantie.)
9. I would rather you left now and came back before the weather worsens. (Je préférerais qu’il s’en aille maintenant et qu’il revienne avant que le temps n’empire.)
10. If they had trusted him, they would have been in big troubles today. (S’ils lui avaient fait confiance, ils auraient été dans un sale pétrin aujourd’hui.)

Articles recommandés

  • Le prétérit modal
  • La formation du prétérit modal
  • Exercice sur les noms
  • Exercices sur « do »
  • Exercices sur la phrase négative