Exercice sur le conditionnel
novembre 16th, 2009 | by admin |Complétez les phrases suivantes avec shall ou should :
1. I _____ (arrive) in 2 hours.
2. This article _____ (apply) only during the month following the purchase.
3. You _____ (not bear) false witness against your neighbour.
4. I _____ (be) very happy if you visited me
5. _____ (you see) my sister, please tell her to call me.
Réponses :
1. I shall arrive in 2 hours. (J’arriverai dans 2 heures.)
2. This article shall apply only during the month following the purchase. (Cet article ne s’applique que durant le mois suivant l’achat.)
3. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Tu ne porteras pas de faux témoignage contre ton prochain.)
4. I should be very happy if you visited me. (Je serais très contente si tu me rendais visite.)
5. Should you see my sister, please tell her to call me. (Si vous voyiez ma soeur, dites lui de m’appeler s’il vous plait.)