Exercice sur les propositions subordonnées

décembre 17th, 2009 | by admin |

Compléter avec la réponse appropriée :

1. The man _____ is sitting next to you is my English teacher. (which / who / Ø)
2. This is the best thing _____ has ever happened to me! (which / Ø / that)
3. The girl _____ I talked to you about is over there. (Ø / who / that)
4. My brother, _____ is an architect, bought this house. (who / that / which)
5. This book, _____ is very interesting, was written by my favourite author. (which / what / that)
6. The girl, _____ brother went to England last month, is my new roommate. (who / whose / which)
7. The bank _____ I worked for 3 years ago went bankrupt. (that / Ø / which)
8. I’d like to talk to the people _____ saw the thief. (that / which / who)
9. The lady, _____ husband is a lawyer, works at the hospital. (whose / that / which)
10. My uncle, _____ has never liked me, visited me yesterday.

Réponses :

1. The man who is sitting next to you is my English teacher. (L’homme qui est assis à tes côtés est mon professeur d’anglais.)
2. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me! (C’est la meilleure chose qui me soit arrivée.)
3. The girl I talked to you about is over there. (La fille dont je t’ai parlé est là-bas.)
4. My brother, who is an architect, bought this house. (Mon frère, qui est architecte, a acheté cette maison.)
5. This book, which is very interesting, was written by my favourite author. (Ce livre, qui est très intéressant, a été écrit par mon auteur préféré.)
6. The girl, whose brother went to England last month, is my new roommate. (Cette fille, dont le frère est allé en Angleterre le mois dernier, est ma nouvelle colocataire.)
7. The bank I worked for 3 years ago went bankrupt. (La banque pour laquelle j’ai travaillé il y a 3 ans a fait faillite.)
8. I’d like to talk to the people who saw the thief. (J’aimerais parler aux personnes qui ont vu le voleur.)
9. The lady, whose husband is a lawyer, works at the hospital. (La femme, dont le mari est avocat, travaille à l’hôpital.)
10. My uncle, who has never liked me, visited me yesterday. (Mon oncle, qui ne m’a jamais apprécié, m’a rendu visite hier.)

Articles recommandés

  • Introduction sur les propositions subordonnées
  • Les subordonnées infinitives
  • Les subordonnées nominales en « -ing »
  • Les subordonnées conjonctives
  • Exercice sur les noms