Exercice sur le prétérit et le present perfect
novembre 3rd, 2009 | by admin |Mettre les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit ou au présent perfect :
1. What _____ (you + to mean) when you told her you wouldn’t come to the wedding?
2. How long _____ (you + to teach)? For 10 years now.
3. I’m not thirsty anymore, I _____ (to drink) the whole bottle!
4. She _____ (stay) in New York for 2 weeks. Today, she lives in Los Angeles.
5. What time _____ (your train + to leave) this morning?
6. The postman _____ (to knock) at the door since 8 a.m.
7. He _____ (to cry) for almost 2 hours now!
8. I _____ (to leave) him 3 years ago.
9. When I _____ (to see) the rainbow, I felt better.
10. They (to have dinner) when the phone _____ (to ring).
Réponses :
1. What did you mean when you told her you wouldn’t come to the wedding? (Qu’est-ce que tu voulais dire lorsque tu lui as dis que tu n’allais pas au mariage?)
2. How long have you been teaching? For 10 years now. (Depuis combien de temps enseignes-tu ? Depuis 10 ans maintenant.)
3. I’m not thirsty anymore, I have drunk the whole bottle! (Je n’ai plus soif, j’ai bu toute la bouteille !)
4. She stayed in New York for 2 weeks. Today, she lives in Los Angeles. (Elle est restée à New York pendant 2 semaines. Aujourd’hui, elle habite à Los Angeles.)
5. What time did your train leave this morning? (A quelle heure partait ton train ce matin ?)
6. The postman has been knocking at the door since 8 a.m. (Le facteur frappe à la porte depuis 8 heures du matin.)
7. He has been crying for almost 2 hours now! (Il pleure depuis presque 2 heures maintenant !)
8. I left him 3 years ago. (Je l’ai quitté il y a 3 ans.)
9. When I saw the rainbow, I felt better. (Lorsque je vis l’arc-en-ciel, je me sentis mieux.)
10. They were having dinner when the phone rang. (Ils dînaient lorsque le téléphone sonna.)