Exercices sur « have »
décembre 17th, 2008 | by admin |Exercice 1 : Mettre à la forme négative
- Amber has left. (Amber est partie.)
- Dave has got beautiful puppies. (de magnifiques chiots.)
- Have you got some time? (un peu de temps)
- Bears had attacked his sheep. (Des ours avaient attaqués ses moutons.)
Exercice 2 : Changer en question
- You have paid him. (Tu l’as payé.) – Have you paid him?
- Ben and Jerry had not aged. (Ben et Jerry n’avaient pas vieilli.) – Had Ben and Jerry not aged? ou Hadn’t Ben and Jerry aged?
- You have got a pen. (Vous avez un stylo.) – Have you got a pen?
- I had seen a fairy. (J’avais vu une fée.) – Had you seen a fairy?
- Claire Chazal has been a journalist for 15 years. (est journaliste depuis 15 ans.) – Has Claire Chazal been a journalist for 15 years?
- The speakers have not been sold. (Les enceintes n’ont pas été vendues.) – Haven’t the speakers been sold ? ou Have the speakers not been sold?
Réponses exercice 1
- Amber hasn’t/ has not left.
- hasn’t got beautiful puppies.
- Haven’t you got some time?
- Bears hadn’t attacked his sheep.
Réponses exercice 2
- Have you paid him?
- Had Ben and Jerry not aged? ou Hadn’t Ben and Jerry aged?
- Have you got a pen?
- Had you seen a fairy?
- Has Claire Chazal been a journalist for 15 years?
- Haven’t the speakers been sold ? ou Have the speakers not been sold?