Exercices sur « be »
décembre 17th, 2008 | by admin |Exercice 1 : Mettre à la forme négative
- Joan is worried. (Joan est inquiète.)
- Michael and Steven are happy people. (des personnes heureuses.)
- Tim was a basketball player. (un joueur de basket.)
- I am always late. (toujours en retard.)
Exercice 2 : Changer en question
- You are my lawyer. (mon avocat.) – Are you my lawyer?
- There is a solution. (Il y a une solution.) – Is there a solution?
- He was really angry. (Il était vraiment en colère.) – Was he really angry?
- Paula Abdul is a star. (est une star.) – Is Paula Abdul a star?
- Baby Diango was found. (a été retrouvé.) – Was baby Diango found?
- You were the one who called. (C’est toi qui a appelé.) – Were you the one who called?
Réponses exercice 1
- Joan isn’t/is not worried.
- aren’t happy people.
- wasn’t a basketball player.
- I am not always late.
Réponses exercice 2
- Are you my lawyer?
- Is there a solution?
- Was he really angry?
- Is Paula Abdul a star?
- Was baby Diango found ?
- Were you the one who called?